Aguirre, Cesar

This interview covers the following themes:

  • Cesar’s path into self-identifying with a gang in the early 1990s, despite his parents attempts to keep him isolated from gang culture.

  • Drug use and drug smuggling among Cesar’s extended family.

  • Life and smuggling in Three Points, Arizona and the rise of Cesar’s drug dealing career in the 1990s.

  • Cesar’s gradual move away from drug use and sales in the early 2000s.

  • Cross-generational drug use within families.

  • Description of crack house life and the collapsing code of conduct within drug and gang communities.

  • The culture of gangs and drug dealers: colors, dress, cars, socializing, generational tension.

  • Connections between drug dealers on Tucson’s south side and drug buyers on the north side.

  • Relationship between Mexican and American drug groups.

The interview was recorded at Cesar Aguirre’s house in Tucson, Arizona on August 16th, 2017.

Aengus Anderson